Hull Literature Festival 2001 | 8th - 18th November |
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Double Vision
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As with the Jools Holland Later format the opening number was performed by all the artists involved in the showcase and this provided a resounding and encouraging welcome to the small but enthusiastic crowd. True to format the first half of the show followed the familiar and, in a live context, was a refreshing and entertaining experience. Cowfish, Tim O'Connor and accomplished guitarist Martin Walton, provided an excellent start to the individual performances with folk/roots original material and lyrics by turn serious and witty. They were quickly followed by P.S. Cale, an original and charismatic acoustic performer with a strong voice to whom the audience responded well. Mark Martindale, a young Dylan influenced performer with an interesting vocal style showed real promise for the future also performed a short set. One of the highlights of the night followed next. These Girls Don't Dust were an amusing, entertaining and skilful a cappella trio drawing on humorous Irish folk and a Norma Waterson covered Fred Fisher song 'There 'aint no sweet man worth the salt of my tears', which was introduced as a 'song the men in the audience might not like', as was the previous song. There may be a theme developing there! And then the artists performed individually again - all very entertaining and professionally presented. Dick Wardell - a bluesman from Dorset finished the opening set. Authentic sounding Wardell and King Rollo himself provided the meat and two veg of the second. They provided a skilful and illuminating example of how white men play the blues. That both were overly indulgent and played too many songs meant that the final ensemble piece (Dylan's I'll be your Baby Tonight) came too late for the audience to fully enjoy a rousing rendition. Ultimately the evening was a fine showcase for local roots talent and should do nothing less than encourage the already growing (as it always is) local music scene. Cowfish present an acoustic evening at the Music Man. The Tap and Spile is becoming a well established venue for beginners and veterans alike, and with a venue like Spring Street to support these acts people may be encouraged to listen in greater numbers. Tim Anderson and Steve Robson are local musicians. Tim is a member of the famous Waterson family and Steve a member of the Robson family. |