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Best Value Performance Plan 2002 - 2003

Introduction by Councillor Simone Butterworth, Leader of the Council, and Jim Brooks, Managing Director

Welcome to this, the City Council�s third Best Value Performance Plan. In this Plan we highlight how we performed against the targets we told you about last year and set out the plans, targets and promises for delivering our Corporate Objectives (see chapter 1).

Each year we produce this Best Value Performance Plan to keep you up to date with our progress in achieving the objectives within the Corporate Plan and the recently published Community Strategy.

Your city - is being transformed with the recently opened The Deep setting the pace over the coming year. The city�s Local Strategic Partnership will take a strong lead in the development of effective partnership working in Hull, delivering on the recently published Community Strategy. The BBC has recently made a commitment to turn the city into one of the corporation�s main regional centres. Major changes in the city�s skyline will also continue with the development of the Super Stadium and the Ferensway scheme.

Your Council - has a key role to play in these changes and will itself be changing. A revised Corporate Plan was published in March 2002 by the then Labour administration, setting out the Council�s part in the renaissance of Hull. This BVPP is based on the March revision to the Corporate Plan. However, the changing political and officer management structures of the Council will, over the next few months, be developing their revised aims and objectives for the City Council. Further detail on what this will mean for the Council will be published during the coming year. The Council will continue striving to deliver Best Value services to the public of Hull, in responding to the Audit Commission�s Inspection of Corporate Governance arrangements in the city.

Your future - there are a number of reasons to be optimistic about the future of Hull. Working in partnership, the City Council is committed to playing its part in the future of the city. The Council�s overarching aim continues to summarise this approach:

�We will work in partnership with all stakeholders to create an inclusive information age European port city, around a competitive, knowledge based economy, in which people wish to live, learn, work and Invest�

Download the Best Value Performance Plan 2002 - 2003

Alternatively, you can get your own copy by contacting:
Graham Lewis at Kingston upon Hull City Council,
Corporate Policy & Service Development,
Hull, HU1 2AA.

Telephone 01482 613122.
Email [email protected]

This document is produced in large print for ease of reading. It is also available in Braille and on audio cassette from the above address.

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