CAN I DIVE WITH THE SHARKS? No, The Deep do not allow anyone other than our qualified staff to dive in our displays. WHY DON'T THE SHARKS EAT THE OTHER FISH? We keep the sharks well fed so that they don't need to eat the other fish for food. WHY DON'T THE SHARKS EAT THE DIVERS?
Sharks are not overtly aggressive, as some films would have us believe. In fact the sharks on display at The Deep pose little or no threat to the divers as long as the divers are experienced and very vigilant. DO THE DIVERS GET SCARED? No, the divers are all fully qualified marine biologists and are experienced in diving with large marine creatures. ARE THE ANIMALS MAGNIFIED THROUGH THE ACRYLIC WINDOWS? In general the windows at The Deep show the animals at their correct size. The exception to this is the tunnel where they will appear up to 1/3rd smaller than real life and the lift and staircase where they will appear slightly bigger than real life. DO YOU USE REAL SEA WATER TO FILL THE TANKS? No, all the water in the tanks at The Deep is made on site from mains water, which is first purified and then has artificial sea-salt added to replicate the conditions on a tropical reef. ARE THE CORALS REAL? The only living corals at The Deep are in the Wave tank, which can be seen just after the Lagoon of Light. If we were to harvest enough coral to fill the main display we would need an entire reef, which would not be ethical. The corals you see in the main display are all artificial and made of polyurethane foam. WILL THE FISH BREED IN THE DISPLAYS? Not all of the species on display will breed in captivity but The Deep will have a structured programme aimed at researching the captive breeding of as many of the species on display as possible. |