24 November 2000



Dear Parents


As we are in the countdown to Christmas, I thought I would remind you of a few dates.


Monday 11 December 10.00 am

Tuesday 12 December 10.00 am

Wednesday 13 December 1.30 pm

Tickets will be available for the parents of children in the classes from the Orange and Green Units (2 per child). Please collect your tickets from the Main Office from Monday

4 December.


These will be held on the afternoons of:

Friday 15 December Red Unit

Monday 18 December Orange and Green Units

Tuesday 19 December Blue Unit


The Christmas Disco will be held on:

Monday 18 December Orange/Green Units 6.00 � 7.00 pm

Red/Blue Units 7.15 � 8.15 pm

Christmas Fayre

To be held on Friday 1 December in the Main Hall. Thank you for all the soft toys and games received so far. Donations of cakes, buns etc would be appreciated on the Thursday or Friday. Please help support this event by coming along at 2.30 pm or allowing your child to bring some money (in a named purse or envelope).



Raffle Tickets

Once again, thank you for those that have come in � there is still time to enter for those excellent prizes as well as support the school. Please return to the school main office before Friday 1 December.


Sam Tyson - City Under-11s Football Squad.

Grant Normington - nominated for Hull�s Young People Sports Awards 2000



I hope you are pleased with your photographs � I thought that despite the weather on the day the children looked lovely. Please return any unwanted photographs or send in the money

as soon as possible � they will make good Christmas presents!

Contact Numbers

There have been a number of occasions in the last few days when we have been unable to contact parents when a child has been hurt or unwell. Please remember to keep us updated with new telephone numbers.


On Wednesday evening there was a near accident outside the school gates due to someone selfishly parking on the lines outside school. Please let me remind you that it is illegal, as well as dangerous, to park or wait on these lines. How would you feel if your child was knocked down?


Thank you for your support this term and I hope to see many of you at the Christmas events.

Best wishes

Barbara Gordon
