Governors� Annual Report
5 July 2000
(Noting number of parents present)
During the last year the Governors have held meetings once a term at which important decisions have been taken to ensure the continued smooth running of the school.
Following consultation with parents last year, the school issued the Home � School � Child partnership and the response has been encouraging and, along with the Homework Policy, we hope that this is the right way forward to help all of our children to develop to their best potential.
Ofsted Inspectors carried out an inspection of the school in March of this year. The summary of the inspection report states that "the overall effectiveness of the school is good".
What this means to us as a Governing Body, and to you as parents of children attending the school, is that we have a very high standard of teaching, a very high standard of leadership and management and the provision for pupils is excellent.
When you read that "97 per cent of teaching was satisfactory or better" it shows that the teaching staff at the school are excellent at what they do and these people deserve all the praise we can give them.
I, as Chair of the Governing Body, would like personally to thank every person involved in the running of our school, whether you are a teacher, parent helper, dinner time supervisor, member of the office staff or a School Governor, for the time, support and dedication that you all give in making this Ofsted report what it is, - excellent!
Everyone at Ainthorpe has made efforts to extend and develop our links with the local community. The local Police, through PC Highlands, continue in their support of the school and are regular visitors. Our links with the church have continued with
Rev Stephen Whaley and Rev Stephen Beer visiting the school and holding regular assemblies. The links with Hull College and Adult Education are also continuing with courses on Computers and First Aid held at the school. The school continues to rent out a section of the school to the Hull Theatre Playgoers Society and the Hull Artists� Association will soon be joining us.
In addition to providing all the information which the law requires that parents receive, this report to parents gives the Governors an opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all those individuals whose commitment makes our school such a happy and successful place, and to all members of staff who work consistently to a very high standard.
Parent helpers provide a much appreciated and valuable contribution to the quality of education our pupils receive. Many thanks to all the PTFA (Parent, Teachers� and Friends� Association) not just for the funds they raise but for trying (and succeeding) to make the events more social than just money raising and also for the time which they so freely give.
Present Membership of the Governing Body and Tenure Dates
Headteacher Mr K Dewar
Teacher Governors Mrs B Gordon 25.11.2002
Mrs P Warren 12.06.2001
Parent Governors Mrs A Stockton 24.10.2000
Mr M Young 29.10.2002
Mrs N Hartshorn 10.11.2000
Mrs W Broomfield 26.09.2003
Mrs P Brunyee 08.07.2003
Staff Governor Mrs M Skelton 07.09.2003
LEA Governors Mr D Treacher 31.08.2001
Mrs S Carter 31.08.2001
Mrs R Brattan 31.08.2001
Mrs P Parker 04.09.2001
Co-opted Governors Mr H Mellor 19.03.2002
Mr M J Usher 06.04.2003
Mr G Tayler 28.01.2003
Rev Stephen Whaley 23.07.2001
The Clerk of the Governing Body is the Director of Education or her representative. The regular officer attending Governors meetings is Ms Kerry Storer, who can be contacted at the Education Services Office, Essex House, Manor Street,
Kingston upon Hull. HU1 1YD.
The Chair of Governors is Mr Mike Young who can be contacted through the School.
During the autumn term there will be vacancies for two Parent Governors which will be filled by holding an election later in that term. If you have a child at Ainthorpe at the time of the election, you are eligible to stand as a candidate.
Further details of this process will be sent out to all parents nearer the date but in the meantime, the Headteacher would be pleased to provide more information to any parent who is thinking of standing for election.
During the year since the last Parents� Meeting, the committee has met several times to discuss, at length, the financial side of the school�s administration.
These meetings have tried to come to grips with the two new policies, which have been mentioned at great length in the media, i.e. "Fair Funding Consultation" and "Best Values". We are examining every aspect of the school�s finances affected by these new policies, to ensure that we obtain the best possible results.
As we mentioned in last year�s report, the committee is monitoring very closely the amount spent on textbooks, to ensure that there is no drop in the level of expenditure.
We have been very fortunate to obtain yet more computers, ensuring that our children do not lack the opportunity to discover the benefits of new technology.
The Governors on the committee were pleased to be part of the team that enabled the recent Ofsted report to state "Governors provide clear direction for the school, and contribute significantly to raising standards". We were particularly delighted by their view that "(We) have a good understanding of financial procedures" and that "finance staff are competent and efficient and there are good internal systems for the safety of funds".
The committee consists of: Mr Mike Usher Co-opted Governor
Mr Bert Mellor Co-opted Governor
Mr David Treacher LEA Governor
Mrs Nita Hartshorn Parent Governor
Mrs Barbara Gordon Teacher Governor
Mrs Margaret Skelton Staff Governor
Mrs Diane Davis Senior Admin Officer
Mr Kent Dewar Headteacher
The Chairman of the Committee is Mr Mike Usher
Following the inspection of the school in March 2000, Governors are in the process of drawing up an action plan to address the key issues which the inspection team identified.
All actions from the last Ofsted inspection have been completed.
BUDGET 2000/2001
Staff Expenditure
Teaching Staff 549,286
Supply Cover 52,789
Educational Support Staff 86,797
Administrative Staff 34,656
Midday Supervision 28,552
Other Staff Costs 6,163
Curriculum Expenditure
Books Stationery and Materials 37,000
Curriculum Services 5,514
Administration Costs
Central Expenses 2,617
Administration Services 10,695
Furniture and Equipment 13,292
Premises Costs
Caretaking and Cleaning 42,710
Repairs and Maintenance 10,191
Grounds Maintenance 6,150
Occupancy Costs
Rates 18,052
Water 4,800
Electricity 5,650
Gas 1,236
Fuel Oil 12,875
Other Occupancy Costs 3,090
Reserves 6,208
Income - 3,500
TOTAL � 934,823
No travel or subsistence allowances have been paid to Governors.
This year has seen many changes in the way salaries in school must be calculated and administered. The committee have held regular meetings and attended training courses to ensure that all staff are treated fairly and parents and children receive good value for money.
As usual, there has been some amount of change in personnel during the year. We would like to wish Winnie Meadows, Julia Fielder and Kris Latham every success in the future.
Some new members of staff have been appointed and this is a welcome opportunity to introduce Mrs Kerry Wood, who will lead Reception and Early Years from September. Other appointments will be made before the end of term.
The committee consists of: Mrs Susan Carter LEA Governor
Mrs Pat Brunyee Parent Governor
Mr Mike Young Parent Governor
Mr Bert Mellor Co-opted Governor
Mr Kent Dewar Headteacher
The Chairperson of the Committee is Mrs Susan Carter.
The Health and Safety Committee meet once a term to look at implementing the most recent National and European Health and Safety legislation as well as trying to eliminate any hazards that exist within the school boundaries.
There was a health and safety audit done by the Local Education Authority in 1999 and also two members of the committee did an audit before the autumn term 1999 started. As a follow up to these audits an action plan was made consisting of almost fifty items, but to date of this report being produced there are only eight items outstanding.
The Committee consists of: Mr Mike Young Parent Governor
Mrs Nita Hartshorn Parent Governor
Mrs Pat Brunyee Parent Governor
Mrs Wendy Broomfield Parent Governor
Mrs Margaret Skelton Staff Governor
Mrs Hazel Clayton H&S Rep Teaching Staff
Mr Kent Dewar Headteacher
If you have any concerns over Health and Safety please contact one of the Committee.
The Chairperson of the Committee is Mr Mike Young.
This committee meets at least once a term and has dealt with the following policies during this past year. Behaviour, School Prospectus, Equal Opportunities and Progress Towards Targets.
The committee invites the authors of policies to present their work and answer any questions raised by the Governors. This enables this committee to have a better understanding of each policy before approving it on behalf of the Governing Body, and gives each co-ordinator the recognition and credit that they deserve.
The Committee consists of: Mr Mike Young Parent Governor
Mrs Nita Hartshorn Parent Governor
Mrs Rose Brattan LEA Governor
Mrs Margaret Skelton Staff Governor
Mr Bert Mellor Co-opted Governor
Mr Kent Dewar Headteacher
The Chairman of the Committee is Mr Mike Young.
During the past year we, as a Governing Body, have continued with our own programme of in-house training. These sessions are well attended and are held once a term separately from our Governing Body meetings. Course titles, which have been covered so far this year, are Personal and Social Education and Monitoring, Evaluating and School Self Review ( Primary ). These courses have been presented to a very high standard and are very informative.
The Governor/Teacher twinning scheme, where a governor is linked with a teacher to enable us to have a better understanding in how the curriculum is taught and how the school system works, is also ongoing and governors are taking full advantage of this system.
Through both of these schemes we, as governors, feel we are gaining a better understanding and knowledge of how a school is taught and run, this enables us to be a more efficient Governing Body.
The Governor responsible for training is Mr Mike Young.
The School Prospectus for 2000/2001 was prepared in the summer of 1999 and since that time the following significant change has taken place.
School term dates:
School will be closed on Friday 20 October 2000, Monday 30 October 2000 and Friday 15 June 2001 for staff training.
SCHOOL TERMS 2000/2001
Autumn Term
School opens: Wednesday 6 September 2000
Half Term � school closes: Thursday 19 October
Half Term � school re-opens: Tuesday 31 October
School closes: Wednesday 20 December
Spring Term
School opens: Tuesday 9 January 2001
Half Term � school closes: Friday 16 February
Half Term � school re-opens: Monday 26 February
School closes: Friday 6 April
Summer Term
School opens: Tuesday 24 April
May Day Monday 7 May
Half Term � school closes: Friday 25 May
Half Term � school re-opens Monday 4 June
Staff Training Day Friday 15 June
School closes: Thursday 26 July
The total number of pupils of compulsory school age on roll to 28 May 1999 = 478
The % of half-days missed through authorised absence is 4.9%
The % of half-days missed through unauthorised absence is 1.7%
Our school aims to improve the children�s ability in, and enthusiasm for, physical education.
Apart from providing a highly structured PE curriculum throughout the school, we also run a number of sports teams for children in Key Stage 2. These teams are available for both boys and girls and have experienced success this year.
Our boys six-a-side soccer team were runners up in the Refuge Cup and became Hull Champions in the Predator Cup, going on to represent the City in the regional finals.
In rugby, our 7-a-side mixed team won the West Hull Trophy against fierce opposition from other schools and youth centres.
Two of our boys play for Hull Schools at soccer and another attends the Leeds United school of excellence. A Year 6 boy plays Ice Hockey for the North of England, one of our girls swam for the County and one pupil plays cricket at City level.
The school also encourages outside agencies to work with the children and in the past, for example, we have had tennis instructors and football coaches contributing to games lessons with a number of classes.
Other extra curricular activities include a keyboard club, debating club, Children�s Parliament, science club, recorder groups, choir and technology club.
Ainthorpe Primary School seeks to value all children equally and strives to develop each individual�s potential. We aim to provide support for groups or individual children in a way which does not single them out or label them.
The Special Educational Needs� Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Anita Beer who holds the Advanced Certificate in Special Educational Needs. She co-ordinates the whole school policy on Special Needs and works closely with staff and the Child Support Assistants. A classroom clinic for parents is held by Mrs Beer from 9.00 am to
9.30 am, Monday to Thursday in the Learning Support Room. This link between parents and the school provides an effective partnership.
We continue to have a good relationship with many outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologist, health and community agencies.
The Child Support Assistants are qualified and trained to meet the needs of each SEN child, and are valued by the school.
As our Home/School Agreement states "Our goal is to continue to develop a school where every child has the opportunity to grow in understanding themselves and the world in which they live".
The Governor responsible for Special Educational Needs is Mrs Angie Stockton.
Our school has a detailed Equal Opportunities Policy, which clearly states that all children should be treated equally and provided with the same opportunities.
Disabled children will, therefore, be given access to the full National Curriculum, modified where necessary, to accommodate a particular disability.
All children are expected to operate within the terms of our Pupil Behaviour Policy, which emphasises the need for co-operation, understanding and helpfulness.
A ramp outside the entrance to the Orange Unit provides access to the building for children in wheelchairs.
During the academic year 1999/2000 our teaching and non-teaching staff attended courses in the following areas:
National Professional Qualification for Headship
School Self-Evaluation
Supporting the Autistic Child
Electronic Transfer of Data
Assessment Management
Performance Management
Health Education
Assessment at Key Stage 1
Assessment at Key Stage 2
Special Educational Needs
Child Protection
Asthma Management
Drama Teaching
Early Years Education
Additional Literacy Support Training
First Aid
Environment Studies
Design and Technology
Target Setting
We have received grants from the LEA which has enabled us to have new windows fitted in an ongoing programme so that the whole school will be fitted with such windows over a period of time.
All the windows in the storerooms, instead of being replaced with the new type of window, have been bricked up so that they are now even more secure.