DISCOVERY SESSION This exciting hands-on session in our brand new Discovery Corner focuses on the marine life of our native shores. Our experienced staff enable children to learn about live creatures at close quarters. Animals studied include a selection from the following invertebrates: crabs, sea urchins, starfish, whelks and anemones.
Alive, Alive-O (Also suitable for Foundation) Find out who lives at the seaside and how they move, feed and sense what's going on around them. Discover how they differ from us - and the similarities we share. Learn how we care for our animals to keep them fit and healthy at The Deep.
SCIENCE This exciting hands-on workshop enables pupils to investigate marine life and living processes.
Deep Living (Also suitable for Reception) How are our bodies like those of marine creatures - and how are they different? Observe and compare animal characteristics in this enjoyable interactive session.
ENGLISH This lively, fast-paced session is closely referenced to the National Literacy Strategy.
Auntie Explora's Lost Treasure Help us finish Auntie Explora's exciting adventure - choose your favourite treasure to be featured in this tropical tale. Learn how stories are planned and how ideas are sequenced, clarified and structured.
ART & DESIGN Our amazing underwater world provides the perfect stimulus for imaginative artwork and creative design. This workshop explores the visual elements of colour, shape, texture & pattern showcased by our unique marine displays.
Deep Art Adventure Look closely at the weird and wonderful creatures of The Deep and learn how to create fabulous fishy artwork in the classroom.

DISCOVERY SESSION These exciting hands-on sessions in our brand new Discovery Corner focus on the marine life of our native shores. Our experienced staff enable children to learn about live creatures at close quarters. Animals studied include a selection from the following invertebrates: crabs, sea urchins, starfish, whelks and anemones.
Food, Homes & How Living Things Need Each Other Learn about our native marine animals - their feeding habits, where they live, how they interact with each other and how they are suited to their environment. Examine some of The Deep's smaller inhabitants; find out how we feed them the right foods to keep them healthy - and how we make sure they don't eat each other!
Moving, Growing & Keeping Healthy This session focuses on the physical characteristics of The Deep's smaller native creatures. Learn how their bodies work and how they change as they grow. Find out how they stay fit and healthy - and what we do at The Deep to help them stay that way.
SCIENCE This exciting hands-on workshop enables pupils to investigate marine life and living processes.
Inspector Sharky's Murder Mystery Help us solve this dastardly crime! Identify our mystery murderer by discovering who's eating who. This exciting activity is based on food chains and predator-prey relationships.
ENGLISH This lively, fast-paced session is closely referenced to the National Literacy Strategy.
Hooking the Visitors! Discover the power of advertising! Find out how we persuaded over a million people to flood to The Deep and practice your own design, layout & persuasive writing skills.
ART & DESIGN Our amazing underwater world provides the perfect stimulus for imaginative artwork and creative design. This workshop explores the visual elements of colour, shape, texture & pattern showcased by our unique marine displays.
Underwater Gardens Submerge yourself in the beauty of the coral reef! Get all the ideas you will need to make a tropical underwater garden in your own classroom.
Deep Designers Design a new level for The Deep. Create your own special tanks and fill them with fish. Choose carefully, remembering that you need to match each fish to its ideal living conditions.
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